Tuesday, August 12, 2003
  Michael Totten's blog has an excellent discussion going on in the comments on this article.
Why is this worth pointing out? Well, political discussions in which people from a variety of political positions make thoughtful contributions are extremely rare. I know, because I've been looking for them ... All too often, comments on politics degenerate into bad-tempered tribalism — for instance, lots of childish leftists (and no, that's not a tautology) seem to think it clever to fill the comments of Tim Blair's blog with ad hominen attacks.
So congratulations to Mr Totten for attracting such a classy bunch of readers! 
Miscellaneous musing from Chris Chittleborough, Australian farmer's son, computer programmer and chronic information junkie

Email Chris

Recommended Reading
Tim Blair
Bob Bunnet
Christopher Hitchens
Andrew Sullivan
Michael J. Totten

Glossaries's Blog Glossary
The Hacker's Dictionary

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